Yoga Nidra

What is Yoga Nidra?
Yoga Nidra is a guided, meditative relaxation that encourages the release of accumulated layers stress and tension held in the body and mind. Yoga Nidra is most often practiced lying down on a comfortable surface, but can also be done sitting.
Some of the effects are:
Improved health of body and mind
More strength and energy
A reset of the nervous system
Mental and emotional calm
A heightened feeling of inner peace
Improved Focus
I was introduced to to the study and practice of yoga nidra in 2005 by the kind, masterful and forward thinking teacher, Richard Miller. I find it to be an invaluable addition to other teachings of yoga because it allows the body, heart and mind to heal through deep conscious rest.
We spend so much of our waking state in chronic stress and worry. Yoga Nidra allows us to drop into a deep conscious state of letting go, beneath the part of the mind that is always trying to manage and problem solve.
Yoga means union. Nidra means sleep. When we bring them together, we can be in a deep state relaxation, as if we are sleeping and yet we are awake with the trace of consciousness through all layers of our being. This allows us to tap into the subconscious mind where the deepest healing occurs.
Scientifically speaking, the Fight, Flight or Freeze response goes offline and we drop into what is called the Relaxation Response (rest and digest), where the autonomic nervous system comes online. This allows all the voluntary and involuntary systems of the body to get recharged and rejuvenated, including connective tissue, joints, organ systems, and the nervous system. Everything decompresses creating more inner space, and deeper emotional calm. Yoga Nidra works!
*See weekly schedule to join Yoga Nidra class with Paul, or practice one-on-one.
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